Thursday, December 19, 2013


   Let's just get down to business this week!

Starting Weight: 303 lbs.
WEEK #7 Weight: 271 lbs. 6 oz.
Total Weight Lost: 31 lbs. 10 oz.

  • I actually went back to the gym this week! It was refreshing to work out and I definitely did a much better job hydrating because I did some cardio. I even did some strength training for my arms and felt the burn for 2 days after. Yay???? 
  • I successfully navigated my way through 2 experiences dining out. On Friday we went to Buca di Beppo, a family style Italian eatery, and I was able to have some chicken, the top of some garlic bread and a couple bites of pizza. Just the other day I also went to Brendan's Irish Pub to attend my work's Christmas Party. I had the filling from a potato skin, 1/3 a cup of french onion soup and water after my meal. I definitely had to look at the  menus a few days in advance to come up with my game plan. 
  • Christmas Shopping and Wrapping is all done!!! 
  • I went to the Goodwill Store and found 6 great tops for $13! I love thrift shops!!! This was a week of shopping for me. I'm usually not one to drool over shoes, but I bought 3 pairs of shoes this week. 2 of them actually had a pretty significant heel and I rocked them for a good 6 hours...unheard of for me! To be honest, I think it has something to do with the fact that I have lost weight and it is no longer impossible for my feet to carry my weight. 
  • I haven't been very good about taking my vitamin supplements this week or documenting my food intake in my food journal. 
  • I have been crazy busy and haven't been getting my protein intake even close to what I should be. 
  • I have yet to come up with my Christmas game plan for how I'm going to handle eating during the holiday with both families. 
  • There are yummy Lindt chocolates (at work) that I want to eat all day long!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


   So my week has been incredibly busy and I haven't had the time to even weigh myself for the past 5 days. It's amazing that I even remembered to do a blog entry this week! Not only is it FINALS WEEK at school, but Tuesday it was also hubby's birthday and we had to get ready to host his family for dinner. I had this great plan to make enchilada casserole (shredded chicken, enchilada sauce, cheese and corn tortillas) which is bariatric friendly at the stage that I'm in right now. However, this dinner was taking place the night before my last final so I had to settle for ordering Chinese food and sushi. The sushi was a huge hit! I also had to go into work for a few extra hours this week too, so that ate into my chaotic schedule a bit. But even with all of that chaos I still managed to have an amazing week! 

Starting Weight:  303 lbs. 0 oz.
Week #6 Weight: 273 lbs. 2 oz.
Total Weight Lost: 29 lbs. 14 oz.

   I AM 2 FREAKIN' OUNCES AWAY FROM HITTING THE 30 POUND MARK!!! That also means that I am 2 pounds away from being down to the same weight I was when I graduated from high school.

  • celebrating my birthday and my hubby's birthdays without making unhealthy choices
  • being done with the semester!
  • getting the rest of my Christmas decorations put up
  • It's officially been 2 months since my last drink of soda
  • organizing my closet
  • trying on all these old clothes that are now swimming on me and already being able to fit into my post-surgery clothes
  • I haven't left my house for 7 days in pajamas for stretchy pants. I have actually been putting together outfits and making sure I look like I give a crap. 
  • My favorite red blazer is swimming on me! So is my black one. If I button them it looks like I'm wearing a sack. Yuck! I need to get a new black one for work
  • I'm on the last hole of my red belt. Even on the last loop it is still waaaaaaaay to loose. I keep pinching myself on it. 
  • again, no gym.... I just need to look at my schedule now that finals are over and schedule going to the gym into my calendar. I really need to do some toning for my arms and thighs 
  • I haven't tracked my food or calories for the last 3 days because of my schedule but I vow to do it for 7 days straight! 
  • Nothing else.....I've had a pretty amazing week, even with all the added stress. I would much rather be stressed and busy than bored with nothing to do!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Good-Bye Stretchy Pants!

   This week I hit the 25 lbs lost mark! So out of curiosity I decided to take the advice of people in my support group and I started trying on some of my favorite clothes. I wasn't really expecting to see a huge difference because 25 pounds just seemed like chump change in the big picture of things. On someone smaller than me I know it would visually look like a lot but I figured on someone my size it wouldn't make THAT much of a difference. I WAS SOOOOOOO WRONG!!!

   For the last month I have been wearing my stretchy pants every single day. The only time I wear anything different is when I wear my size 26 jeans that now fit me loose. When I started going through my closet I noticed that all of my other pants are a size 22 and I decided to try them all on to see how far off I was from being able in them....surprise! They all fit!!! As I kept going through the closet I began realizing that some of my favorite piece were fitting me a lot better and that a lot of my tailored pieces were now HUGE on me.

   Then it occurred to me that I should start taking pictures of some of my favorite pieces to post on my blog. That way you guys will be able to see my progression and the changes in my body and not just the pounds lost.

    Before surgery this top didn't close all the way. I had to leave the top 2 buttons undone to make room for my chest. My cup size hasn't changed at all (yet), but I have lost a lot of excess fat from my back and side boob area. My bras all fit me better now! As this top gets loose it'll be a great flowing piece and also will work great when I buy a new red belt.
    I wore this shirt for Christmas 4 years ago and haven't fit into it since....maybe I'll wear it for Christmas Eve this year????
 This top is still pretty snug, but I can't wait to wear it when it fits better. I'm thinking it'd go great tucked into a pencil skirt.
 Again...doesn't fit yet but we'll keep tabs on this one because I have several ideas for it already!
 I absolutely love the top of this dress and cannot wait to lose my gut so I can rock this at work.
 I bought this top when I worked at Torrid and haven't worn this one in about 5 years. I'd imagine it would have looked even better had I worn Spanx with it.
 I always loved wearing this shirt with cargo pants back in high school, but I'll have to come up with something else that looks like I care.
    This is actually my first time ever wearing this dress! I fell in love with it when  I saw it at Ross and bought it to wear on my honeymoon 2 years ago. hubby felt like being helpful and washed it to get rid of the germs from other people possibly trying it on...THEN SHRUNK IT IN THE DRYER. I got shorter and the boob area shrunk quite a bit. I was obviously furious because I never got to put it on again. In a month or so I'm sure you'll be seeing me in it again!
                            My goal is to fit into this top by Christmas Day. WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!
   Leopard maxi dress... again, I can't wait for the gut to not be there anymore. By summer this will be a great option.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


   I know that I probably sound like a broken record, but I can't sing the praises of Dr. Billy and his amazing staff enough! They are really there for you and want you to succeed. 2 days before Thanksgiving I got a call from Patricia to check in with me because the following day I was going to be introducing a new range of foods to my diet. She wanted to make sure all of my questions were answered and that everything was clear. Patricia also wanted to see if I had a plan in place for tackling Thanksgiving. I actually did and she was able to help me tweak it a little bit because I had some unrealistic expectations. For example, I wanted to have a small piece of toasted garlic bread but she reminded me that if it doesn't go down well it's going to ruin my day. I should save experimentation for days when I am not going to be trapped at other people's houses. 

   I felt great going into Thanksgiving and everything did in fact go smoothly. I took a picture of my plate at my parents' house because that's where I did a bulk of my eating!

    What's funny about this plate and this picture is that this looks like a massive amount of food....I promise it's not. My mom was very kind and got out a small salad plate for me instead of the massive plates we usually eat off of for special occasions. She didn't want me to feel out of place or deprived because I had so much empty space on my plate. Now let me tell you what's there:
  1. Turkey- I had been experimenting with turkey breast and chicken breast and am able to digest them without trouble, so I had no fear having it with 1/4 tablespoon cranberry sauce. 
  2. Potatoes with melted cheese...Costco! 
  3. 1/8 cup stuffing! Because I can't have soft bread yet I made sure to get the really crunchy top part and picked out the little pieces of carrots. It was a hassle but it did slow down the eating process for me. 
  4. salmon- I am NOT a fish person, but this salmon was amazing and I would eat it again! It's also another good source of protein. 
  5. Creamed corn and spinach- I took 1 tablespoon of each but didn't eat them. I just wanted to fill out my plate and wanted to give myself the illusion that I had fully participated. 

   Later that night we went to my in-laws and I kept it super simple there. I worked on getting my liquids down immediately and then eventually ate some turkey with gravy. At their house no one sits down formally at a table for dinner. Everyone just sits wherever they can find a spot and that made it less awkward and I didn't have to worry about people watching me eat.

   The best part was that when I weighed myself the next morning I didn't gain a single ounce,..I actually lost 2 ounces! Yay!!!! 

1 Month Post-Op!!!

   Sorry for the delay in updating! I have been incredibly busy with Thanksgiving, Dr. Appointments, decorating for Christmas, my birthday and going back to work. As many of you know, November 30th marked my 1 month anniversary of my Sleeve Gastrectomy. It was a very nerve-wrecking day for me because it was also my first day back at work. I was very nervous about being too "rusty" and wondering if I was going to be able to get all my liquids and protein in my body. Luckily everything went fine and I did better getting liquids in at work than I was when I was at home all day. I guess it's all that talking that dried out my mouth and made me thirty! 

   Without further delay, here's my OFFICIAL 1 month weight in (taken November 30th):

Starting Weight: 303 lb. 0 oz.
1 Month Weight: 279 lb. 2 oz.
Total Weight Lost: 23 lb. 14 oz. 

   So essentially I was 2 oz. away from 24 pounds. What was really exciting about that was that I officially beat my wedding weight! 2 years ago, when I got married, I weighed exactly 280 pounds and then I gained 8 pounds on our honeymoon immediately after. Then of course all the weight I had lost before the wedding came right back as soon as I stopped starving myself and injecting myself with HCG. To have surpassed my wedding weight is such a huge accomplishment, even if it's only by 1 pound! My next goal is to get down to my high school graduation weight...271 lbs. 

  • Not losing my mind during the Thanksgiving festivities! I was having some anxiety about whether people would notice my weight loss and if I would feel like an outsider with my restricted diet. Luckily everything went smooth and I will be writing a separate blog entry about my first Thanksgiving with my sleeve. 
  • Redefining "Ashley Time"! I used to categorize Ashley Time as time shopping, crafting or baking...but a few weeks ago I started realizing that Ashley Time is really about being selfish and doing something for myself. The first new activity I established was watching THE BIGGEST LOSER at the gym. I love love love that show and thought to myself, "I'm watching all these people changing their lives as I sit on my ass at home. I need to get to the gym, got on a cardio machine and watch the show while changing my own life." That's the biggest gift I can give myself! 
  • My birthday! I'm 26 now and my birthday always marks my annual visit to my LADY DOCTOR! As soon as he saw me he knew I was losing weight and asked me how I did it. He even remembered that last year I was thinking about getting weight loss surgery and when I told him that's how I did, he was very happy for me. He knows about my family history of breast cancer and diabetes and was so proud of me for being "bold enough to select the option that is a permanent change". He said that people who say weight loss surgery is the easy way out don't understand what is happening to your body. It's the hardest decision to make because with something like the sleeve or bypass, you can't reverse it. You don't have the option to have a "splurge" day like with weight do that and you risk rupturing your stomach or have excessive vomiting. 
  • I ate a chicken taco with meat and cheese!!!!! I'm complete again. 
  • I really wasn't good about going to the gym this week. I was really busy and had a lot going on, but that's not a valid excuse anymore. Looking back I could have easily fit in at least 2 more 35 minute cardio sessions. I did get in 2 sessions this week, but my goal is at least 4 a week. 
  • I went out to eat for my birthday  and it was terrible! We went to Lure, a local fish restaurant, for happy hour and got appetizers so I could have a sample of a few things. The problem was that I wasn't preparing my food and had no control over what types of preparations they implemented or how much oil they used. I didn't even think about best believe I won't be making that mistake again! As soon as we left the restaurant my body freaked out and we had to haul ass home. Needless to say I spent the remainder of my evening at home in the bathroom...not very fun! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


   This has been a really tough week for me. I've had many moments of frustration and several nervous breakdowns. I was doing so great getting my liquids and protein in last week, but out of nowhere I started struggling. I couldn't get ANYTHING in and I spent hours after every meal trying to keep myself from throwing up what I just ate. It was really tough! The only place that I felt like I was having any success was at the gym, so I met my goal of 4 sessions this week. I probably could have done 5 or 6 if I hadn't barricaded myself in the house for 2 days. So here's what everyone has been waiting for:

   I took 2 pictures so that you guys could see the scale better with out a shadow. 

WEEK #3 Result:

 Weight Today: 281 lbs. 8 oz.
 Weight Lost This Week: 5 lbs. 8 oz. 
  Total Weight Lost: 21 lbs. 8 oz.

Pits of the Week
  •  Regressing: I'm all of the sudden not able to get my protein and liquids and it SUCKED! It's like an emotional beating when you can't meet your goals and I take it really personally. 
  • Throwing up my multivitamin twice.
  • Feeling like a failure.
  • Having anxiety every time I know that it's time to eat, and then crying after I've taken 4 bites. I always felt like I needed to throw up after I ate.
Peaks of the Week
  • I got to watch the Biggest Loser at the gym. 
  • I got crafty and made some great scrapbook pages and Christmas decorations.
  • I can feel my jeans getting loose.
  • I met my goal of 4 gym sessions: that means 35 minute cardio sessions. I took pictures of my calorie count lost during each session on the elliptical. 3 times I stuck with my traditional "weight loss" function and 1 time I left it on its normal settings. You'll see from the pictures that I need to leave it on the "weight loss" function from now on. 

  • I zipped my white hoodie for the first time since April 2009

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Great Finds!

   I just wanted to share some of the great things that I found at the grocery store. I realize some of these may be no-brainers, but when you are used to living a really unhealthy lifestyle they're genius ways to substitute out some of your unhealthy habits.

    Instead of ground beef we have converted to ground turkey. I bought it in 1 pound increments and then cut it in half to freeze it. There's no point in defrosting an entire pound if half of it will just get forgotten about in the fridge...right?

    After I started putting things in bags I realized that not every one would have the protein ratio from the nutrition facts on it. Half of them would have it, and half of them wouldn't. So I started labeling the bags with the protein facts so that I would always have access to them. Pretty genius idea if I do say so myself!

   Who doesn't like bacon?! This is probably going to be the hardest adjustment for my husband because he could literally eat a whole pack of sugar glazed bacon if I let him. To say he LIKES bacon is a gross understatement. I just hope that this transition goes okay for him. Again I separates this pack of bacon into 4 separate packages, that way we wouldn't be forced to eat an entire pack in one sitting. Portion control, people!

   This is one of my favorite finds: chicken Italian sausage! I love Italian sausage, especially with some homemade marinara sauce, zucchini and mushrooms. That was one of the first things  I realized I would miss, so I am glad that I found a substitute for it. This particular blend was found at Trader Joe's and comes in a 5 pack. Once again I separated it by 2's and wrote in the protein content on the bag. 

    I heard about these at my group meeting. They are perfect for once you start eating Stage #4 and are made with egg whites and turkey sausage instead of the regular pork sausage and whole eggs.

Grocery Shopping

   This is one of the toughest things I've had to deal with since I've had my surgery. And to be quite honest, it's something I didn't even think about. I had spent so much time preparing for the first 2 weeks of surgery that I never really thought about anything past the mushy foods stage. The gravity of what I just did to myself and husband hit me as soon as I walked into Trader Joe's. I was so proud of myself because I had planned out a menu for 2 weeks and made a separate itemized grocery list of everything we needed to execute said menu. 

   What I didn't realize was that for every item on my list there were 4-5 options to choose from, all with different amounts of calories  and proteins. The days of walking into a grocery store and choosing what's cheapest are over! On average (before surgery) I could go to Trader Joe's, VONS and Fresh & Easy and get all the groceries I needed, at all 3 locations, within 1 hour. It used to be very easy! But this week I took my husband, because I needed help lifting things, and thought things would be even easier because I had an extra set of eyes and hands. I was sooooooo wrong! We spent 2.5 hours at Trader Joe's and VONS alone....2.5 HOURS! I could have made things easy on myself and just grabbed any item, but getting the most bang for your buck when it comes to protein has become a real priority. I was so unbelievably overwhelmed that I shut down and almost broke down trying to pick "the right" Greek yogurt. Seriously...I almost cried because putting the right Greek yogurt in my shopping cart was such an overwhelming experience.

   Luckily I went home, called my mom, vented and was able to go finishing my grocery shopping the next day with a lot more ease because I knew what to expect! Just knowing what to expect made a HUGE difference! I even made some really great discoveries of some items that I get to start eating on Wednesday when I move on to STAGE #4.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Interesting New Development

   So here's something new that my body is doing: getting nauseous when I drink liquids while in motion. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but throughout the day today it kept happening. I even had to pull over the car at one point because I was nauseous and light-headed. So yeah...although I never threw up the first few days after surgery I've developed this awesome new quirk. Yay me!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Back to School...with the Sleeve

   It's been 2 weeks since my surgery and that means it's finally time to go back to school. I'll admit I was a little nervous about the long drive (about 1 hour with slight traffic), but the drive went fine. The part that was the most challenging was regulating my food and water intake when I wasn't at home. I packed my multivitamin, calcium supplement, biotin, 32 oz. water bottle, and a protein drink and assumed I was ready to go. However, I got to school at 7:30am and realized, "Oh no! I won't be home until 3 in the afternoon. I need to put actual food in my body." I talked myself into going into the cafeteria to see if I could find SOMETHING that could work, but I wasn't counting on it. 

   Luckily for me they finally re-opened the salad bar and now provided small TO-GO containers that are bariatric friendly. They have a lot of your usual salad bar favorites, plus hard boiled eggs, chicken salad, quinoa and tuna salad. Those last three items are definitely going to be great options for the next few stages. But today I settled on a hard boiled egg (7 grams of protein) and 1/2 cup of  shredded cheese (7 grams of protein as well). I also purchased a banana, half of which was supposed to become my afternoon snack, but never made it into my belly.

   So at this stage in the game I'm supposed to be eating 5 small meals a day. The hard boiled egg was Meal #1 at about 8:00am, and the cheese was Meal #2 at about 11:30am.

   I got very lucky and happened to have packed my special spoon for no apparent reason. That made it a little easier to eat slowly. As you can also see, I took my food to the car. I really wasn't ready to sit in the cafeteria surrounded by people eating sausage breakfast sandwiches and Doritos. I'm not quite there yet. Plus I feel like people might see me eating my one hard boiled egg and think to themselves, "Oh brother! Who is she kidding? I KNOW she eats more than a hard boiled egg." I know it seems really stupid to think that someone else even cares what I'm eating, but it's just one of those post-op insecurities I've developed recently. I feel like people are watching me to make sure that I'm eating right.

But I survived and drank a full 32 oz. water bottle before I got out of class! I pretty much rocked my first day back.


   So I have a little confession to make! Because of how rapidly I lost weight the first week, I became obsessed with weighing myself every morning this week. It was pathetic. I started getting worried that something was wrong because I wasn't dropping multiple pounds a day anymore. Then I went to my first support group meeting and realized that this is quite normal. Most people eventually had to remove their scales after they hit the one year mark because they became so obsessed with the number on it. They did mention that the first week you lose quite a bit and it slows down but remains a steady rate. So now I'm going to try to refrain from weighing myself every single morning....maybe just Wednesday mornings for my weekly weigh in?!

And here's my Week #2 Weigh In Results:

Today's Weight: 287 lbs. 0 oz.
Total Pounds Lost: 16 lbs. 0 oz.

*Goal for this Week : Go to the gym at least 4 times!

Peaks of the Week
  • Going back to the gym for the first time
  • Starting Stage 3/Mushy Foods
  •  Sleeping through the night...finally!!!
  • Being able to take all of my supplements and vitamins
  • Showering easily and with out any help
  • I don't have shoulder pain or tightness in my chest from breathing deep

Pits of the Week
  • Letting the scale run my life
  • Making the most delicious-smelling marinara sauce from scratch and not being able to eat it
  • Feeling trapped and isolated at home
  • Getting distracted and forgetting to drink and eat...oops! 
  • Facing my compulsive need to snack just because I see the fridge
  • Learning to identify what "HUNGER" and "FULL" mean...I basically don't have hunger anymore, and feeling full feels completely different now.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

On to Stage 3: MUSHY FOODS!

   So today was the day that I have been waiting for: mushy foods! I had been deliberating for 3 days what I was going to eat first: eggs, beans, hummus, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes? Finally I decided a hard boiled egg would do the trick. But I'll be honest, when I put that first bite in my mouth it wasn't what I was expecting. When they say that your taste buds change a bit, they do. The texture was slightly slimier than I remembered and it was a little more bland than I remembered, even with a pinch of salt. I was pretty disappointed but I was just glad that it went down okay...and STAYED down.

   Since I was feeling okay I tried some beans for lunch and those went down really well too. The main problem that I faced was trying to time my liquids correctly and get enough liquids in my body. As dumb as it sounds I always check my pee color to see whether or not I'm hydrated enough. The lighter it is the better! Sometimes I don't feel thirsty or hydrated, but my body is and looking at my pee helps me gauge that. Since my surgery, if I've avoided getting the proper amount of liquids, I get badly chapped lips and my hands get pretty dry.

   For dinner I had some mashed potatoes and those made my tummy a little gassy. I wasn't farting or burping, but I could feel it digesting. If I could compare it to anything I would say it felt like my stomach was growling. All in all it went well. I didn't throw up anything I ingested...always a good sign! 


Friday, November 8, 2013

Drain, Drain Go Away!

   The one thing that scared me was knowing that I would be going home with a drain, and therefor an open wound. I also have a 6 year old little brother who jumps on me whenever he sees me and I was terrified he would pull it out or something. Plus there is the whole idea that going home with an open wound would allow infection rate to increase. In reality they were very thorough at showing me how to care for it at home and how to effectively change the dressings. That doesn't mean I was any less scared!!! 

   It was scarey to take my first shower because you could no longer safety pin the drain to your clothes. That's what kept it from becoming sore and getting weighed down. So I had my husband hold the drain while I showered and that worked out pretty well. Finally, on Monday, I was able to have my drain removed.

   This is what it looks like! All that lovely tubing was inside my body, causing me that intense shoulder pain I experienced my first day. I was terrified of having the drain removed, even though I wanted nothing more than to get rid of it. When the moment finally came it was the most awkward feeling I've ever felt! It felt like diarrhea that wouldn't stop leaving my belly. It didn't hurt; It didn't tickle; it just felt weird!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


   So it's officially been one week since my surgery! As I'm writing this blog entry right now it's 7:35am PST, which means that I was fully prepped for my surgery and simply waiting for Dr. Billy' arrival. It's crazy to think that it's already been an entire week! I decided to do a weekly weigh in so that I can keep an eye on my progress at home and spot any trends that might be occurring. So here it official Week #1 Weigh In:


Starting Weight: 303lbs. 0 oz.
Week #1 Weight: 291 lbs. 4 oz.
Total Weight Loss To Date: 11 lbs. 12 oz.

The Peaks of My Week
  • Losing my first 10 pounds
  • Getting my 40 grams of protein in
  • Journaling efficiently
  • Having my family be more supportive than I had ever expected
  • Cooking for my husband for the first time 
  • Not having that overwhelming feeling of hunger all the time
  • Walking for at least 40 minutes every day
 The Pits of My Week
  • Hitting my walls at 2pm, when I literally don't want to drink anything else for the rest of the day. 
  • The discomfort at night time when I was at home and couldn't get comfy
  • The shoulder pain from the drain 
  • The first 2 days: questioning my decision to do the sleeve


Tuesday, November 5, 2013


    One of the hardest things to figure out after I left the hospital was what I actually needed to have with me at all times. After 2 days home, this is what I've narrowed it down to:

 1. Cup/Bottle- In my red cup I usually put crystal light, watered down 100% juice or just plain water. 
2. Protein Drink- The white bottle with the red cap is Premiere Protein (chocolate flavor). It's my protein drink of choice right now. 
3. Little Clear Cup- You can barely see it near the center, but it's there! They gave them to me in the hospital and the little cup holds 1ml of fluid. I'm expected to try to drink 4 of these and hour and 64 total in a day. It's a constant work in progress.
4. Spirometer- That lovely contraption is made to breath into and helps keep you from developing pneumonia. 
5. Pill Box- I have my daily multivitamin in here, biotin and B-12.
 6. 3 Gold Squares- Calcium Citrate! Caramel flavored.
7. Food Journal- documenting what you eat is very important!
It is a great tool to show yourself how you've improved since yesterday. It really helped me with my self esteem the first few days I was allowed to drink again. I could see that although I was short for my daily protein intake, I still got 12 more grams in than I did the day before. Yay me!!! It's important to know that everyday is a new day and you'll do a little better than you did the day before.

Day #6 Post-Op: Ridin' Solo!!!

   Today marks the first day that I was left alone to take care of myself. I will admit that I was a little concerned that I wouldn't be able to log everything, but it's gone pretty well so far. I have gotten all 40 grams of protein in already and have gotten all 3 doses of calcium supplement in. I even went for a 15 minute walk outside by myself, and hopefully I'll go for another one when I pick up my sister from school. On that note...I drove for the first time today! I drove, with the supervision of my husband, to a bakery to pick up a birthday cake for my mom's birthday dinner tonight. I finally stopped taking my pain meds now that my drain is out (stay tuned for a blog entry about that soon)! 

   What I have been struggling with the last 24-48 hours is being around food and really listening to my body. I can legitimately say that I haven't been hungry since I had my surgery. I have not had the sensation of hunger hit me, but I HAVE felt thirsty because the protein drinks tend to dry out my mouth a bit. Once I get in my initial 4-6 ounces of the day I seem to have a never-ending feeling of being full. You get to a point that you just don't want to drink anything! I've been pushing myself to get my protein in by promising myself that I can take a 45 minute break from drinking and reward myself with some sugar free jell-o. I'm telling you, by 2pm I don't want to put anything else in my mouth.

   Last night I also cooked dinner for my husband and prepped other items for the week. It was painful to stand in the kitchen for an hour, but I made it through. My husband seemed pretty impressed that I was able to do it and even said, "If I were in your position I wouldn't be able to be around food...period. I don't know how you do it?" In that moment I had a minor meltdown because I was so sick of protein shakes. In that moment I did a mental countdown as to when I would be able to eat actual food again...then it hit me! It's not food I want. I'm literally not craving anything. I was really frustrated because I had been on a liquid diet for 8 days and I simply didn't want to eat or drink. I had to take a second to listen to my body and realize that it's angry because it's getting used to eating a different way. I can't blame my body for being pissed off at me. It's going to be a long road but eery day has been better than the day before. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I Told Him...MY NUMBER!!!

   So it's the beginning of Day #4 Post-Op, and everyone who tells you it's almost impossible to get your protein goal met is 100% correct. On Friday I only got 11 grams of protein, but yesterday I got 33 grams out of the recommended 40 grams and I waited to start eating until 11am. Today I'm getting an hour and a half jump start and hopefully won't be taking too long of a nap today. My goal is just to be better than I was the day before. I also managed to get in 50 minutes of walking yesterday! 

   This morning I had a big accomplishment though! I went to go weigh myself and the scale said "294.6 pounds. That means I'm about 9 pounds down in 4 days. I literally started tearing up because it finally became real that the weight is going to be gone. When my hubby came in to check on me he saw the tears and thought something was wrong. I assured him that I was fine and told him "I'm 294 pounds!" I broke 300 yesterday but the number on the scale didn't go back up. Ryan just stared at me for about 7 seconds and then said, "Do you realize you just told me what your weight is?" It was a huge moment! I was immediately an open book about my weight in an instant. I told him what my starting weight was, what my day-of-surgery weight was and what my weight was the day we got married.I knew that someday I'd be able to tell him "my number" but I never imagined it would be this soon! I'm just so stinkin' proud of myself for pushing through these last few days and to see the weight melting off is what I needed to see!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Day #2 Post Op

   I finally felt the pain in my stomach today. I think all the shoulder pain was masking everything else in my stomach. I literally had a minor panic attack in the morning because of the pain and because the pain medication was actually causing me literal pain. It was the first time I said to myself, "Why did I do this?" I can honestly say that I had a moment of regret and then Ryan reminded me of all the reasons I did it. I'm so glad that I had him there with me! By the end of the day Dr. Billy was ready to discharge me and we were on our way home by 7:30pm. It was really exciting but even more scarey! I was terrified that there would be no way to comfort me or that the pain medications just wouldn't work. 

   Needless to say we took the long way home, and it was a loooooong night! I couldn't find a comfy position to sleep in or sit in. I also had a lot of the gas build up that seemed to take forever to leave my body, no matter how much walking I did. 

Surgery Day

   This is it! It was the day of surgery and my final weigh in weight was 303 pounds. I was hoping to be under 300 but that unfortunately didn't happen. I'm pretty sure I was retaining a ton of water weight from the two days of my all liquid diet, but it's all good. 

   We got there bright and early at 5:15am and I was hooked up to everything by 7:15am. My doctor ran a little late but everyone warned me that would happen. He usually does. In the mean time I got to spend some time with my hubby and mom until he got there. 

   Honestly, the morning went by pretty fast and the procedure felt instantaneous to me. I literally remember Nancy, my support coordinator from Dr. Billy's office, saying to me "This is the first day of the rest of your life" and then I was out! Before I knew it I had some really severe pain in my it was on fire! Then the nurses assured me I would be receiving some pain medicine momentarily. Within a few seconds the burning pain slowly subsided and then I just had to focus on my breathing. It seems sort of silly to focus on breathing, but when you're overweight you use every muscle in your stomach to help you breath and now all of the sudden ever contraction of you stomach muscles hurts like a b****. Finally they rolled me out to meet my hubby and mom and we all made our way out to my room. 

   They briefed me about what Dr. Billy said. First, he wasn't able to do the spider sleeve because there was too much obstructing his view. Secondly, everything else went perfectly fine! There were no complications and I was going to try to walk later that afternoon. The first few hours weren't too bad, but pretty soon that shoulder pain kicked in. I had been warned that the excess gas they pump into you (to make sure there aren't any leaks) manifests itself in possible shoulder pain. Some people get it and some people don't: I DID! I was on the verge of tears a few times and had to force myself out of bed to start walking because that's the only way to get rid of it. For me it was the worst part of Day #1 post-op! 

   I also made sure that my hubby called work to let them know that everything went alright and these were the lovely flowers that got delivered to me by Shell's Petals:

    In fact, the girl who delivered them arrived in time to see me stand for the first time!

Girls' Day!!!

   In honor of my surgery being a few days away, my mom took my sister and I for a girls' day out. We started off the morning with some pedicures and then henna tattoos. It was a great way to relax!

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Art of Selection

   One of the things I have struggled with the most is feeding myself like I'm fueling myself. At school we have unlimited access to hot dogs, burgers, slurpees, sodas and just crap in general. But they recently added an omelet bar at our cafeteria and that has changed the course of how I feel at school on Monday and Wednesday. The omelet below is packed with spinach, mushrooms, red onion and usually turkey sausage. I would say this is a much better alternative to McDonald's drive thru, and the best part is that it acts as both BREAKFAST AND LUNCH! I eat it at 9:30 and I'm full until 3:30. I eat a string cheese when I get home and wait a couple of hours for dinner. 

Dress on a Dime: Dressing the New Me!!!

   What is DRESS ON A DIME? Well it's essentially a mobile consignment store that sets up shop for 4 days in the Fall and another 4 days in the Spring at a local warehouse. Consigners price the clothing that they would like to get rid of and are able to make back a portion of what they sell. They also get special days to come in before the public gets access to the merchandise. My mom told me about it last Spring and I decided to check it out, as a buyer, to see what I could find for post-surgery clothes.                Here's the link so you can find out more about it                                                                     and find a location to raid near you.

   I found some amazing items and everything came out to reasonable prices!
Sweaters! It's getting cold so these will come in handy.

This was an awesome jacket!!!

I love all these dresses, especially the one on the far left! It's a Vince Camuto dress which usually retail around $128. I got it for $17....AWESOME!!!


Casual tops and work tops. Woot!

Skirt!!! I figure skirts and dresses will be easier to make last because you just alter them around the waist. Pants need a little more tailoring through the leg as well.

Grey trousers and jeans...size 18! Can't waist for those to fit.


   So how amazing is it that I got all of this, plus 4 pieces of jewelry not pictured and 2 cashmere sweaters for my husband for $160?!!!!! I literally saved hundred of dollars off the original prices they sold for.