Wednesday, November 6, 2013


   So it's officially been one week since my surgery! As I'm writing this blog entry right now it's 7:35am PST, which means that I was fully prepped for my surgery and simply waiting for Dr. Billy' arrival. It's crazy to think that it's already been an entire week! I decided to do a weekly weigh in so that I can keep an eye on my progress at home and spot any trends that might be occurring. So here it official Week #1 Weigh In:


Starting Weight: 303lbs. 0 oz.
Week #1 Weight: 291 lbs. 4 oz.
Total Weight Loss To Date: 11 lbs. 12 oz.

The Peaks of My Week
  • Losing my first 10 pounds
  • Getting my 40 grams of protein in
  • Journaling efficiently
  • Having my family be more supportive than I had ever expected
  • Cooking for my husband for the first time 
  • Not having that overwhelming feeling of hunger all the time
  • Walking for at least 40 minutes every day
 The Pits of My Week
  • Hitting my walls at 2pm, when I literally don't want to drink anything else for the rest of the day. 
  • The discomfort at night time when I was at home and couldn't get comfy
  • The shoulder pain from the drain 
  • The first 2 days: questioning my decision to do the sleeve


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