Sunday, November 17, 2013

Great Finds!

   I just wanted to share some of the great things that I found at the grocery store. I realize some of these may be no-brainers, but when you are used to living a really unhealthy lifestyle they're genius ways to substitute out some of your unhealthy habits.

    Instead of ground beef we have converted to ground turkey. I bought it in 1 pound increments and then cut it in half to freeze it. There's no point in defrosting an entire pound if half of it will just get forgotten about in the fridge...right?

    After I started putting things in bags I realized that not every one would have the protein ratio from the nutrition facts on it. Half of them would have it, and half of them wouldn't. So I started labeling the bags with the protein facts so that I would always have access to them. Pretty genius idea if I do say so myself!

   Who doesn't like bacon?! This is probably going to be the hardest adjustment for my husband because he could literally eat a whole pack of sugar glazed bacon if I let him. To say he LIKES bacon is a gross understatement. I just hope that this transition goes okay for him. Again I separates this pack of bacon into 4 separate packages, that way we wouldn't be forced to eat an entire pack in one sitting. Portion control, people!

   This is one of my favorite finds: chicken Italian sausage! I love Italian sausage, especially with some homemade marinara sauce, zucchini and mushrooms. That was one of the first things  I realized I would miss, so I am glad that I found a substitute for it. This particular blend was found at Trader Joe's and comes in a 5 pack. Once again I separated it by 2's and wrote in the protein content on the bag. 

    I heard about these at my group meeting. They are perfect for once you start eating Stage #4 and are made with egg whites and turkey sausage instead of the regular pork sausage and whole eggs.

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