Wednesday, November 20, 2013


   This has been a really tough week for me. I've had many moments of frustration and several nervous breakdowns. I was doing so great getting my liquids and protein in last week, but out of nowhere I started struggling. I couldn't get ANYTHING in and I spent hours after every meal trying to keep myself from throwing up what I just ate. It was really tough! The only place that I felt like I was having any success was at the gym, so I met my goal of 4 sessions this week. I probably could have done 5 or 6 if I hadn't barricaded myself in the house for 2 days. So here's what everyone has been waiting for:

   I took 2 pictures so that you guys could see the scale better with out a shadow. 

WEEK #3 Result:

 Weight Today: 281 lbs. 8 oz.
 Weight Lost This Week: 5 lbs. 8 oz. 
  Total Weight Lost: 21 lbs. 8 oz.

Pits of the Week
  •  Regressing: I'm all of the sudden not able to get my protein and liquids and it SUCKED! It's like an emotional beating when you can't meet your goals and I take it really personally. 
  • Throwing up my multivitamin twice.
  • Feeling like a failure.
  • Having anxiety every time I know that it's time to eat, and then crying after I've taken 4 bites. I always felt like I needed to throw up after I ate.
Peaks of the Week
  • I got to watch the Biggest Loser at the gym. 
  • I got crafty and made some great scrapbook pages and Christmas decorations.
  • I can feel my jeans getting loose.
  • I met my goal of 4 gym sessions: that means 35 minute cardio sessions. I took pictures of my calorie count lost during each session on the elliptical. 3 times I stuck with my traditional "weight loss" function and 1 time I left it on its normal settings. You'll see from the pictures that I need to leave it on the "weight loss" function from now on. 

  • I zipped my white hoodie for the first time since April 2009

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