Wednesday, November 13, 2013


   So I have a little confession to make! Because of how rapidly I lost weight the first week, I became obsessed with weighing myself every morning this week. It was pathetic. I started getting worried that something was wrong because I wasn't dropping multiple pounds a day anymore. Then I went to my first support group meeting and realized that this is quite normal. Most people eventually had to remove their scales after they hit the one year mark because they became so obsessed with the number on it. They did mention that the first week you lose quite a bit and it slows down but remains a steady rate. So now I'm going to try to refrain from weighing myself every single morning....maybe just Wednesday mornings for my weekly weigh in?!

And here's my Week #2 Weigh In Results:

Today's Weight: 287 lbs. 0 oz.
Total Pounds Lost: 16 lbs. 0 oz.

*Goal for this Week : Go to the gym at least 4 times!

Peaks of the Week
  • Going back to the gym for the first time
  • Starting Stage 3/Mushy Foods
  •  Sleeping through the night...finally!!!
  • Being able to take all of my supplements and vitamins
  • Showering easily and with out any help
  • I don't have shoulder pain or tightness in my chest from breathing deep

Pits of the Week
  • Letting the scale run my life
  • Making the most delicious-smelling marinara sauce from scratch and not being able to eat it
  • Feeling trapped and isolated at home
  • Getting distracted and forgetting to drink and eat...oops! 
  • Facing my compulsive need to snack just because I see the fridge
  • Learning to identify what "HUNGER" and "FULL" mean...I basically don't have hunger anymore, and feeling full feels completely different now.

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