Tuesday, November 5, 2013


    One of the hardest things to figure out after I left the hospital was what I actually needed to have with me at all times. After 2 days home, this is what I've narrowed it down to:

 1. Cup/Bottle- In my red cup I usually put crystal light, watered down 100% juice or just plain water. 
2. Protein Drink- The white bottle with the red cap is Premiere Protein (chocolate flavor). It's my protein drink of choice right now. 
3. Little Clear Cup- You can barely see it near the center, but it's there! They gave them to me in the hospital and the little cup holds 1ml of fluid. I'm expected to try to drink 4 of these and hour and 64 total in a day. It's a constant work in progress.
4. Spirometer- That lovely contraption is made to breath into and helps keep you from developing pneumonia. 
5. Pill Box- I have my daily multivitamin in here, biotin and B-12.
 6. 3 Gold Squares- Calcium Citrate! Caramel flavored.
7. Food Journal- documenting what you eat is very important!
It is a great tool to show yourself how you've improved since yesterday. It really helped me with my self esteem the first few days I was allowed to drink again. I could see that although I was short for my daily protein intake, I still got 12 more grams in than I did the day before. Yay me!!! It's important to know that everyday is a new day and you'll do a little better than you did the day before.

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