Friday, November 8, 2013

Drain, Drain Go Away!

   The one thing that scared me was knowing that I would be going home with a drain, and therefor an open wound. I also have a 6 year old little brother who jumps on me whenever he sees me and I was terrified he would pull it out or something. Plus there is the whole idea that going home with an open wound would allow infection rate to increase. In reality they were very thorough at showing me how to care for it at home and how to effectively change the dressings. That doesn't mean I was any less scared!!! 

   It was scarey to take my first shower because you could no longer safety pin the drain to your clothes. That's what kept it from becoming sore and getting weighed down. So I had my husband hold the drain while I showered and that worked out pretty well. Finally, on Monday, I was able to have my drain removed.

   This is what it looks like! All that lovely tubing was inside my body, causing me that intense shoulder pain I experienced my first day. I was terrified of having the drain removed, even though I wanted nothing more than to get rid of it. When the moment finally came it was the most awkward feeling I've ever felt! It felt like diarrhea that wouldn't stop leaving my belly. It didn't hurt; It didn't tickle; it just felt weird!

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