Monday, December 9, 2013

Good-Bye Stretchy Pants!

   This week I hit the 25 lbs lost mark! So out of curiosity I decided to take the advice of people in my support group and I started trying on some of my favorite clothes. I wasn't really expecting to see a huge difference because 25 pounds just seemed like chump change in the big picture of things. On someone smaller than me I know it would visually look like a lot but I figured on someone my size it wouldn't make THAT much of a difference. I WAS SOOOOOOO WRONG!!!

   For the last month I have been wearing my stretchy pants every single day. The only time I wear anything different is when I wear my size 26 jeans that now fit me loose. When I started going through my closet I noticed that all of my other pants are a size 22 and I decided to try them all on to see how far off I was from being able in them....surprise! They all fit!!! As I kept going through the closet I began realizing that some of my favorite piece were fitting me a lot better and that a lot of my tailored pieces were now HUGE on me.

   Then it occurred to me that I should start taking pictures of some of my favorite pieces to post on my blog. That way you guys will be able to see my progression and the changes in my body and not just the pounds lost.

    Before surgery this top didn't close all the way. I had to leave the top 2 buttons undone to make room for my chest. My cup size hasn't changed at all (yet), but I have lost a lot of excess fat from my back and side boob area. My bras all fit me better now! As this top gets loose it'll be a great flowing piece and also will work great when I buy a new red belt.
    I wore this shirt for Christmas 4 years ago and haven't fit into it since....maybe I'll wear it for Christmas Eve this year????
 This top is still pretty snug, but I can't wait to wear it when it fits better. I'm thinking it'd go great tucked into a pencil skirt.
 Again...doesn't fit yet but we'll keep tabs on this one because I have several ideas for it already!
 I absolutely love the top of this dress and cannot wait to lose my gut so I can rock this at work.
 I bought this top when I worked at Torrid and haven't worn this one in about 5 years. I'd imagine it would have looked even better had I worn Spanx with it.
 I always loved wearing this shirt with cargo pants back in high school, but I'll have to come up with something else that looks like I care.
    This is actually my first time ever wearing this dress! I fell in love with it when  I saw it at Ross and bought it to wear on my honeymoon 2 years ago. hubby felt like being helpful and washed it to get rid of the germs from other people possibly trying it on...THEN SHRUNK IT IN THE DRYER. I got shorter and the boob area shrunk quite a bit. I was obviously furious because I never got to put it on again. In a month or so I'm sure you'll be seeing me in it again!
                            My goal is to fit into this top by Christmas Day. WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!
   Leopard maxi dress... again, I can't wait for the gut to not be there anymore. By summer this will be a great option.

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