Sunday, November 3, 2013

I Told Him...MY NUMBER!!!

   So it's the beginning of Day #4 Post-Op, and everyone who tells you it's almost impossible to get your protein goal met is 100% correct. On Friday I only got 11 grams of protein, but yesterday I got 33 grams out of the recommended 40 grams and I waited to start eating until 11am. Today I'm getting an hour and a half jump start and hopefully won't be taking too long of a nap today. My goal is just to be better than I was the day before. I also managed to get in 50 minutes of walking yesterday! 

   This morning I had a big accomplishment though! I went to go weigh myself and the scale said "294.6 pounds. That means I'm about 9 pounds down in 4 days. I literally started tearing up because it finally became real that the weight is going to be gone. When my hubby came in to check on me he saw the tears and thought something was wrong. I assured him that I was fine and told him "I'm 294 pounds!" I broke 300 yesterday but the number on the scale didn't go back up. Ryan just stared at me for about 7 seconds and then said, "Do you realize you just told me what your weight is?" It was a huge moment! I was immediately an open book about my weight in an instant. I told him what my starting weight was, what my day-of-surgery weight was and what my weight was the day we got married.I knew that someday I'd be able to tell him "my number" but I never imagined it would be this soon! I'm just so stinkin' proud of myself for pushing through these last few days and to see the weight melting off is what I needed to see!

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