Thursday, December 5, 2013

1 Month Post-Op!!!

   Sorry for the delay in updating! I have been incredibly busy with Thanksgiving, Dr. Appointments, decorating for Christmas, my birthday and going back to work. As many of you know, November 30th marked my 1 month anniversary of my Sleeve Gastrectomy. It was a very nerve-wrecking day for me because it was also my first day back at work. I was very nervous about being too "rusty" and wondering if I was going to be able to get all my liquids and protein in my body. Luckily everything went fine and I did better getting liquids in at work than I was when I was at home all day. I guess it's all that talking that dried out my mouth and made me thirty! 

   Without further delay, here's my OFFICIAL 1 month weight in (taken November 30th):

Starting Weight: 303 lb. 0 oz.
1 Month Weight: 279 lb. 2 oz.
Total Weight Lost: 23 lb. 14 oz. 

   So essentially I was 2 oz. away from 24 pounds. What was really exciting about that was that I officially beat my wedding weight! 2 years ago, when I got married, I weighed exactly 280 pounds and then I gained 8 pounds on our honeymoon immediately after. Then of course all the weight I had lost before the wedding came right back as soon as I stopped starving myself and injecting myself with HCG. To have surpassed my wedding weight is such a huge accomplishment, even if it's only by 1 pound! My next goal is to get down to my high school graduation weight...271 lbs. 

  • Not losing my mind during the Thanksgiving festivities! I was having some anxiety about whether people would notice my weight loss and if I would feel like an outsider with my restricted diet. Luckily everything went smooth and I will be writing a separate blog entry about my first Thanksgiving with my sleeve. 
  • Redefining "Ashley Time"! I used to categorize Ashley Time as time shopping, crafting or baking...but a few weeks ago I started realizing that Ashley Time is really about being selfish and doing something for myself. The first new activity I established was watching THE BIGGEST LOSER at the gym. I love love love that show and thought to myself, "I'm watching all these people changing their lives as I sit on my ass at home. I need to get to the gym, got on a cardio machine and watch the show while changing my own life." That's the biggest gift I can give myself! 
  • My birthday! I'm 26 now and my birthday always marks my annual visit to my LADY DOCTOR! As soon as he saw me he knew I was losing weight and asked me how I did it. He even remembered that last year I was thinking about getting weight loss surgery and when I told him that's how I did, he was very happy for me. He knows about my family history of breast cancer and diabetes and was so proud of me for being "bold enough to select the option that is a permanent change". He said that people who say weight loss surgery is the easy way out don't understand what is happening to your body. It's the hardest decision to make because with something like the sleeve or bypass, you can't reverse it. You don't have the option to have a "splurge" day like with weight do that and you risk rupturing your stomach or have excessive vomiting. 
  • I ate a chicken taco with meat and cheese!!!!! I'm complete again. 
  • I really wasn't good about going to the gym this week. I was really busy and had a lot going on, but that's not a valid excuse anymore. Looking back I could have easily fit in at least 2 more 35 minute cardio sessions. I did get in 2 sessions this week, but my goal is at least 4 a week. 
  • I went out to eat for my birthday  and it was terrible! We went to Lure, a local fish restaurant, for happy hour and got appetizers so I could have a sample of a few things. The problem was that I wasn't preparing my food and had no control over what types of preparations they implemented or how much oil they used. I didn't even think about best believe I won't be making that mistake again! As soon as we left the restaurant my body freaked out and we had to haul ass home. Needless to say I spent the remainder of my evening at home in the bathroom...not very fun! 

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