Sunday, November 10, 2013

On to Stage 3: MUSHY FOODS!

   So today was the day that I have been waiting for: mushy foods! I had been deliberating for 3 days what I was going to eat first: eggs, beans, hummus, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes? Finally I decided a hard boiled egg would do the trick. But I'll be honest, when I put that first bite in my mouth it wasn't what I was expecting. When they say that your taste buds change a bit, they do. The texture was slightly slimier than I remembered and it was a little more bland than I remembered, even with a pinch of salt. I was pretty disappointed but I was just glad that it went down okay...and STAYED down.

   Since I was feeling okay I tried some beans for lunch and those went down really well too. The main problem that I faced was trying to time my liquids correctly and get enough liquids in my body. As dumb as it sounds I always check my pee color to see whether or not I'm hydrated enough. The lighter it is the better! Sometimes I don't feel thirsty or hydrated, but my body is and looking at my pee helps me gauge that. Since my surgery, if I've avoided getting the proper amount of liquids, I get badly chapped lips and my hands get pretty dry.

   For dinner I had some mashed potatoes and those made my tummy a little gassy. I wasn't farting or burping, but I could feel it digesting. If I could compare it to anything I would say it felt like my stomach was growling. All in all it went well. I didn't throw up anything I ingested...always a good sign! 


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