Friday, November 1, 2013

Day #2 Post Op

   I finally felt the pain in my stomach today. I think all the shoulder pain was masking everything else in my stomach. I literally had a minor panic attack in the morning because of the pain and because the pain medication was actually causing me literal pain. It was the first time I said to myself, "Why did I do this?" I can honestly say that I had a moment of regret and then Ryan reminded me of all the reasons I did it. I'm so glad that I had him there with me! By the end of the day Dr. Billy was ready to discharge me and we were on our way home by 7:30pm. It was really exciting but even more scarey! I was terrified that there would be no way to comfort me or that the pain medications just wouldn't work. 

   Needless to say we took the long way home, and it was a loooooong night! I couldn't find a comfy position to sleep in or sit in. I also had a lot of the gas build up that seemed to take forever to leave my body, no matter how much walking I did. 

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Ashley! I will enjoy following your progress! So sorry to hear you had a rough time the first couple p.o days :-( your such a trooper! I hope this wknd is much better for you! Just keep thinking of that end can do this!! We are all cheering you on :-D keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for healing ♥
    Big Hugs~Marcella
