Thursday, June 28, 2012

OUR Commitments

Ryan, my husband, has gotten pretty involved in my blog and is going to be such a huge part of my weight-loss journey. He's the one who is going to be with me every step of the way, so we sat down and talked about some of the changes we're going to have to make to our life. The first thing we talked about was exercise. I've been walking, by myself, 3 days a week around my neighborhood, but it's definitely time to start pushing myself. We have a track about a 2-minute drive away and it would be much easier to track the distance and my progress there. So this is what we came up with for our PRE-OP EXERCISE COMMITMENT:

         Distance: 1.5 miles (June 27th- July 11th)
                        2.0 miles (July 11th- surgery day)

After the surgery I'll ease back into my exercise routine EXACTLY how my doctor directs me. We'd both like to work our way up to running, so we'll definitely come up with a plan to get us there after the surgery.

We also came up with a list of other GOALS & COMMITMENTS:
  • Drink water instead of snacking of unhealthy foods
  • Marathon cooking on Sundays (that way there's no excuse to go to a drive-thru
  •  cut out "seconds"- only serve ourselves the proper portion at the beginning meal and put the leftovers away before we get tempted to go back for more
  • Good-bye COLD STONE! We love ice cream, but those are just empty calories, so we'll stick to fruit or sugar-free popsicle. I'm even trying out some new recipes for homemade popsicles that I could add my protein powder to.
  • Don't eat out more than once a week.
  • Portion Control
  • sticking to our exercise commitment
  • planning out our meals for 2 weeks at a time- this will keep us from being tempted to eat takeout or drive-thru

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