Monday, June 18, 2012

Bridal Panic Chocolate!

Everyone has that hidden drawer at their desk or in the glove compartment of their cars. It's that special place that you leave those special treats for when you hit the 3 o'clock WALL! However, for me that hiden place isn't so hidden. In fact it is right in front of me for about 40% of my work day...sometimes even longer:

                                                 BRIDAL PANIC CHOCOLATE

This is the chocolate meant to ease a bride's wallet pain when she makes a payment, celebrates the fact she just said "yes to the dress", or congratulates herself for being able to squeeze into her dress after ordering a size too small.It's also where I go ease my boredom when a bride is running late, reward myself for selling a wedding gown and discuss with co-workers what we'd like to change about our bodies. My head tells me, "One isn't going to hurt", but before I know it I've eaten 2...3...4...10. Maybe not 10, but you get the idea. I eat more than I should be!

Today it occured to me that I need to have access to an alternative on hand. I thought about some different options(mints, pretzels, gum, nuts) but it occured to me that the BEST thing for me to have on hand is ...WATER! So today I tried my theory out and I drank some water every time I wanted to grab for a piece of chocolate. In the end I drank 2 whole bottles of water. That is 2 more bottles of water than I would have drank any other day!!!!!! Not only did I stay away from unnecessary/unwanted calories, but I gave my body something it needs on a daily basis. I MADE THE CHOICE TO BE HEALTHY. For someone like me that is a huge step.


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