Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Beating Laziness

   If I lost a pound every time "not now" became "never" I wouldn't need to be having this surgery. Unfortunately I'm never going to lose weight being a couch potato, so here's the reality that I've had to come to terms with:

                                 I'm a pretty lazy person at home.

I always have a plan to get things done, but instead tell myself "I deserve a break" or "I work later today so I'm going to relax for a bit before I go in". I'm pretty sure this is part of the reason I have put on the weight. I would definitely say that I am in no way, shape or form an ACTIVE person, so I know that needs to change if I'm going to make this lifestyle change work. The key here is to stop putting things off...which means my committment to being active needs to start BEFORE SURGERY. I have started an exercise regimen of walking 3 days a week (minimum), but I'm going to save that for another blog entry. Today I want to focus on activity in general.

I think it's very important to remember that exercising 30 minutes a day doesn't necessarily mean you're an active person. I could easily go home after my walk, sit on the couch, and watch tv for hours but I'd be cheating myself out of my own time. I don't know about you guys, but I get pissed when other people waste my time, so WHY SHOULD I WASTE MY OWN TIME ? I think that you need to be mentally active and physically active throughout your day. One thing I've started doing is reading for pleasure & writing this blog. However, my favorite new activity is.... GARDENING!!!

I've started doing a lot more gardening and yard work because it has kept me off of the couch. When I'm gardeing I'm getting fresh air, relaxing, moving around, thinking, etc...I'm not staring at a tv trying to keep up with the Kardashians. I've gotten so into it that I not have to beginings to a beautiful herb and vegetable garden. Right now they are little pellets of seeds but they should be sprouting up any day now!

I have 2 planters of these on the deck now. So pretty!

So I guess what I'm trying to encourage everyone to do is to find some hobbies that get you outside or get you active, in addition to exercise. The more you do the more accomplished and productive you feel.

                     "An active mind cannot exist in an inactive body."
                                         ~General George S. Patton

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