Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I just wanted to take a minute to share some small triumphs that I've had this week:

1. As of today it has been 9 entire days since I have had any bridal panic chocolate and I
    am averaging 2 bottles of water( just over one pint each) more than I used to. So by
    replacing an unhealthy habit with a healthy one I am drinking 1 liter more water than I
    used to in a day. So a goal I'm making for myself this weekis to make sure I'm meeting
    the suggested daily water intake for my gender and age group. I found a really great
    article about it on the livestrong website:

2. My garden is growing! All those seedlings have sprouted faster than I had anticipated so I am very excited to show everyone that I don't have a black thumb afterall.

Now for something I haven't been successful with this week:


I haven't gone on a single walk this week yet, but if I walk the next 3 days in a row I can still meet my goal. Wish me luck!  Maybe I just need to take my ipod and make a really awesome playlist?

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