Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Numbers

So although I don't have my surgery officially scheduled yet we are projecting that it will most likely be at the end of July. I have my last nutrition consult on July 9th and after that we'll have a better idea of when to schedule the main event.

To make this blog a good tool I realized that I need to post my "before" pictures and my beginning stats. This will be the easiest way to track my weight loss & be accountable to myself.

Pictures: taken by my husband RYAN
Measurements: taken by my lovely co-worker NICHOLE. Don't worry, we work in bridal so
                        we know how to measure properly!
Weight:taken by me in my bathroom by myself. I think that the morning before surgery I
            am going to do a video weigh in and continue to do video weigh ins once a month
            after the surgery.

  • Bust: 56
  • Waist: 46.5
  • Hips: 60

WEIGHT:   297lb. (My weight as of May 25th was 304lb. That was the day on my Upper GI.)

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