Thursday, July 5, 2012

Week #1 Update

Exercise Goal:

   I'm proud to say that I completed my weekly exercise goal! Yay! I went on my walk 4 times this week and even went on one walk by myself. To me that was the toughest challenge. Usually Ryan is my walking buddy so I have someone to keep me accountable and I have a commitment to walk with him. However, when it's just me...well that's when I really have to push myself. I would have to say that was my biggest accomplishment this week....

                         PUSHING MYSELF TO EXCERISE!!!!!!!!

I will admit that it was pretty embarassing to go to the track and have 50 year olds running right past me. That was probably the low point of my exercise!

Our Commitments:

~ We only went out to eat once last week.
~ I drank at least 1.5 liters of water a day
~I have gone 19 days without BRIDAL PANIC CHOCOLATE
~No Coldstone or ice cream. We bought some sugar-free fudgesicle instead!
~No unhealthy snacking at work

But not everything went well this week...

So funny story... I was so busy running errands one day that Ryan brought back a Wendy's cheeseburger, without a side order or soda. I ate it and immediately felt sick to my stomach. I had been doing such a good job at filling up with healthy foods that my body rejected something so greasy right away. After I took some Pepto I learned my lesson and didn't even bother with anything else that wasn't in my fridge.

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