Monday, January 6, 2014


I AM SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! I cannot even begin to tell you how stressful and chaotic the last 2 weeks have been. There have been some really exciting things happening in my life, along with the usual chaos of the holidays, so I haven't had a chance to post anything. I promise I will more than make up for it with these next few entries! 

Starting Weight: 303 lbs.
Week #9 Weight: 267lbs. 0 oz.
Total Weight Lost: 36 lbs. 

  • I survived the holidays and didn't put on any weight the day of Christmas. I stayed exactly the same and that's fine by me. Usually I gain 2 pounds at least, but not this year. I did a great job restraining myself from having too many chip or sweets. I kept it simple and made sure the first thing I ate on my plate was my protein.
  • I moved into a new phase in my foods and can now eat soft-cooked vegetables, canned fruit, pasta and marinara sauce. Pasta wasn't my friend because it fills me up too fast and sits in my stomach FOREVER. I usually have to wait 20-30 minutes after a meal to be able to drink something. But when I eat pasta I have to wait a full hour otherwise I get that tight feeling in my stomach and chest. 
  • I have found great ways to sneak in protein with my fruit. Since I can now have melon, I have been wrapping my small pieces of melon in prosciutto and that's how I get some extra protein in during a snack. 
  • I got some great gifts for Christmas, including some great clothes that will eventually fit me. 
  • I redid my closet and purged it of my "big lady" clothes. Stay tuned for a separate entry about that. 
  • I haven't been to the gym and really just need to force a schedule that goes with my new routine. 
  • I really wanted some lumpia for Christmas, but my in-laws didn't make any. 
  • Ryan and I got so many DVDs for Christmas that we finally ran out of room to put them. I guess we just need a legit media center now. 
  • I had to get rid of half the jeans in my closet because they are HUGE on me. Because I'm losing a ton of weight from my butt I have nothing to help hold them up.

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