Thursday, January 30, 2014


   So instead of doing my usually Wednesday weigh in, I decided to hold off a day and do a 3 month weigh in. I really can't believe that it's been 3 months. I guess I've just been so busy!

Starting Weight: 303lbs. 0oz.
3 Month Weight: 257lbs. 8oz.
Total Weight Lost: 45lbs. 8oz.

   I'm absolutely happy with my results so far! I went in for my 3 month appointment on Tuesday and I will admit that I wasn't looking forward to it. Because I have been struggling with some foods I've been a little down lately but Melissa assured me that everything is right on track. She even assured me that my rate of weight-loss is ideal. A lot of people who have WLS will prolong their liquid phases just to help them drop the weight quicker and at a very rapid rate. She said that even though those people are thrilled that they are getting skinny quicker, they are the ones who are going to gain it back. They are treating their sleeve like any other crash diet instead of using it as a tool. If you never learn how to live with your sleeve, it'll never work for you. She also said the rate at which I'm losing weight is ideal for skin because it'll bounce back better.

   I don't think I've ever mentioned this, but they do a Complete Body Composition Analysis when I go into the office. It breaks down everything and tracks it over time so they can see my progress: BMI, water weight, lean muscle mass, body fat mass, etc. It's really neat! It can even tell me how much fat I have in each arm and leg. I did want to take a minute to share some of the other stats because I want people to understand that weight is just a number. Dr. Bill and I were in agreement that even though the numbers say I should weigh 130lbs, there is NO way my body would ever be able to maintain that. I have a really muscular frame and I don't lose muscle easily. In fact, I put it on quickly as well. So I just wanted to share some of the stats so you can see what a difference 45lbs makes:

BMI= Body Mass Index
Starting BMI: 57
3 Month BMI: 43
BMI Goal: 18-25

PBF= Percentage Body Fat
Starting PBF: 65
3 Month PBF: 51
PBF Goal: 18-28

And this is one of my favorite! It tells me how much of my body is fat and how much is lean mass:
Weight: 257.8 lbs
Lean Body Mass: 125.2 lbs
Body Fat Mass: 132.6 lbs

*I am 132.6 lbs of fat, but that doesn't mean I need to lose 132.6 more pounds. Based of my bone density results this machine is also able to calculate how much more weight I would benefit most from losing. Based on this I should lose 96 more pounds. That would put me right around 160 lbs, which is EXACTLY where Dr. Billy and I agreed would be acceptable for my frame and muscle composition (160-170lbs). I thought it would be a great idea to show you the numbers so you can see what's happening off the scale.

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