Monday, January 6, 2014

Work and Weight Loss

   One of the biggest things I have had to adjust to since having the sleeve was taking care of myself at work. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I was surprised at how well I did my first day back. I not only met my protein goal, but I also met my water goal for the day. I guess it's all that talking I do during my appointments! After my first couple days back I knew I had it in the bag.... then my entire world got turned upside down.

   Toward the end of my first week back I got pulled aside by our Store Manager, Renee, and she informed me that she had just given her 2 weeks notice. We weren't quite sure how that would affect me directly, but since I was the only other person who knows how to do shipping and processing we knew I was going to be asked to step up temporarily in that area at the very least. I won't lie, I was thinking "I hope that I am at least considered for her position" but I was pretty sure that the owner would be bringing in someone new. The next time I saw our owner we began discussing the transition and what my availability would be during the school year. After some discussions about schedules and my interest in a career in bridal, one thing led to another and....


   And this is the primary reason I haven't been able to blog for the last 2 1/2 weeks. I have been busy training with Renee and jumping head first into a new phase in my life. I thought it was sort of fate that all these amazing transitions were occurring simultaneously: I'm on a journey to a healthier me, I'm gaining more confidence with every pound I lose, and I finally see my career taking shape. I was very naive when I entered the world of bridal. I just thought it would be fun to be around weddings since I had just planned my own. Little did I know that "something fun" would turn into an actual career. I finally feel like I have a job that utilizes all of my skills and talents! I get to be organized, efficient, creative, teach and lead. Not to mention I spend my days surrounded by some of the most amazing ladies I have ever had the pleasure of knowing: my Camarillo Bridal Babes.

To learn more about our amazing store... 

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