Monday, January 20, 2014

Bridesmaid: Before & After

   This past summer I went on an unbelievable vacation with my husband and the rest of my familia! We took a Disney Cruise to the Caribbean and celebrated my parents' marriage with a vow renewal in St. Maarten. Where there's a wedding, there's a bride. And where there's a bride, there's usually a bridesmaid or 2. Tonight my mom asked if I had tried on the dress since my surgery and surprisingly enough I haven't. I don't know why I'm still surprised, but it was HUGE on me!

   So this picture was taken in mid-July. The wind was blowing but you can still tell that it was snug on me, especially in the mid-section. I look at this picture, then look in the mirror, and still see the same person. I honestly don't know where the disconnection is coming from?!

    Then I look at a picture like this one and can definitely see the difference. You can even see that my arms alone have slimmed down. In the first picture my arms were rounded and full. Now you can see the arm skin is finally getting loose and the cellulite is pretty much gone. I had a co-worker ask me this week, "Aren't you grossed out that your arms aren't tight and that it jiggles?" To answer that honestly, I obviously wish and hope that the excess skin will go away. HOWEVER... I will take the excess skin and loose arms over going back to where I was any day. I have a husband who loves me and married me the way I was...I can't let myself become insecure and self-conscious about a little loose skin. And I trust that my husband will just be happy that I'm happy, healthy and that I'm more "energetic" ;-P

   So overall this was a pleasant experience that really kick started my week and put me in a good mental space!

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