Friday, January 10, 2014


   This week has been incredibly busy and I've had some old demons that have come back to haunt me. One of the issues I had before surgery was BOREDOM EATING and this week I've struggled with it. I saw it start to creep up on me Sunday morning and IMMEDIATELY kicked myself out of the house. If I'm not home I'm safe! I spent the morning at the farmer's market, where I ate a shrimp taco and lemonade, and then headed to TJ Maxx to kill some more time. I didn't end up home until almost 1pm which was fine by me. When I got home I gave myself some tasks to do: made a grocery list, organized the dvds, and waxed my lip, and a few other projects. Keeping myself busy was the only way I survived the day.

   Luckily being so busy helped me lose a more substantial amount of weight this week and I hit another milestone!

Starting Weight: 303 lbs.
Week #10 Weight: 263 lb. 0 oz.
Total Weight Lost: 40 lbs. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Obviously hitting the 40 lb. mark this week felt amazing! My original goal was to be down to 50 pounds by April and I think that I will be beyond my own expectations by then. New goal for April: 70lbs.
  • Getting back on my vitamin regimen. 
  • Wearing heels for an entire day. 
  • I'm continuing to get the hang of things at work. 
  • Dealing with boredom eating! I really wish that issue had just magically disappeared when I had my surgery but unfortunately that's one of the things surgery couldn't take care of. That's something I have to do on my own. 
  • I haven't done laundry in 2 weeks...I should get around to that soon. 
  • I haven't gotten to do as much cooking as I would have liked to.

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