Thursday, February 6, 2014


   So now we're at Week 14 post-op and I am finally noticing a HUGE difference in my body! I have finally made it into my Stage #2 clothes, which are all 1X and size 20 pants....but I'll talk about that later in my blog:

Starting Weight: 203 lbs. 0 oz.
Week 14 Weight: 255 lbs. 2 oz.
Total Weight Lost: 47 lbs. 14 oz.

   That means I am only 2 lbs. and 2 oz. away from reaching the 50 lb. mark! I haven't been in the 250's since high school...specifically Sophomore and Junior Year. That was right after my first big weight gain (215 to 250) when my Mom was battling breast cancer and my biological dad tried coming back around.

  • I tried going to Zumba somewhere new this week. There is this place in the same shopping center I work in that has Zumba on Friday nights. My co-worker Chloe has started going and she convinced Claire and I to go with her. This Friday was my first time going and it was a lot more enjoyable because I had buddies. A few of the routines were nothing new to me, but this instructor incorporated a lot more muscle toning than just cardio. 
  • Ryan went down a pant size. He's got his 34 inch waist back and he is super stoked!
  • We got our plane tickets for our summer vacation! Yay!!!
  • I bought my first pencil skirt and rocked it! I'm so in love with it!
  • The Biggest Loser finale...I have a whole blog coming your  way about my Rachel
  • I wish I would have gone to the gym one more time this week. I had 3 sessions, but 4 was my goal.


  1. Frickin AWESOME Ashley!! Im so proud of you! You give me inspiration to get off my ass! I decided after the honeymoon cause Im enjoying that to the You are at my size now..I usually rock a 1x and my jeans are usually a 20..I cant see you! Keep up the amazing work! Big Hugs~Marcella

  2. Thats about my ultimate goal..160-175..its a good weight for me to with my frame. Ive always had the booty and hips...thats ok, just want to be less of
