Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm BACK!!!

Sorry that it's been awhile since I've been on here...I've been getting the runaround from my case worker the last week and a half about my case being submitted to insurance. So as usually happens when insurance is involved I have constantly been playing phone tag between my surgical office and the insurance reps. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! I guess this is a good cautionary tale for all you out there: STAY ON YOUR CHECKLIST. As you check off each preliminary procedure off your "to-do" list, communicate with your surgical office to make sure the reports are being written up immediately.

I made the mistake of assuming all these things would be no-brainers and that it was understood that they would need to be completed right away...NOT THE CASE! Here I am, the week before we were planning on having my surgery, and I'm waiting for insurance to approve the surgery. All because a report for a procedure, done in May, was not completed until mid-July.

Be aware. Be cautious. Be your own advocate!

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