Saturday, July 7, 2012

Paradise Falls

As promised... I went on a hike with the hubby instead of 2 of my walks. Altogether we ended up walking about 4 miles, half of which was uphill. I swear I wanted to cry when we were about halfway up the the return trek. I really wanted to give up because I was using muscles I hadn't used in years. Instead, my amaze-balls husband kept talking to me and distracting me from the fact that my legs were about to give out. Thanks babe! Anyhoo... here are some pictures to chronicle our mini-adventure that was right in our backyard for years.

This is me toward the beginning of our hike...obviously(I'm still smiling)! We had already gone the first mile, but little did we know we were going to have to trek down the canyon to even get to the waterfall.

Those tiny little ants are actually people.

We got all the way to the bottom and had a nice picnic of Trader Joe's salads, water and a few slices of Manchengo cheese....

with a view like THIS! Meet PARADISE FALLS...which is a waterfall that never dries out in Thousand Oaks, CA. It was definitely worth the trek down the canyon.

I'd have to say that my biggest accomplishment was making the trek back up. It was pretty steep, the sun was hot as heck and I was incredibly tired already....but I made it!

Did I mention that it was our 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY?! Yup! We spent our day hiking and attractive! 4 years ago this day we realized we were meant to be more than just friends:

~ 6 1/2 years as friends...
~ 4 years as a couple...
~9 months into our HAPPILY EVER AFTER

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