Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Physical Bucketlist

A couple weeks ago I was reading a Westways magazine and there was an article about all the bike trails available to SoCal residents and I found some great ones not too far from my town. So it got me thinking about all the things I haven't been able to do because I'm overweight and out of shape. There are simple things I used to take for granted, like riding a bike, playing basketball for hours, jogging, etc. I used to be very active and played basketball from 4th grade through high school...and being physical is something I'd like to get back to. I am walking weekly but I don't want to stop there. I got inspired to make a "PHYSICAL BUCKETLIST" if you will...a list of physical goals that I would like to acheive at some point in my life. So here is the start of it, as I'm sure I'll add to it:

  • Bike ride around Santorini. I would love to take a ride from Oia to Akrotiri and just enjoy the view.
  • Walk up the Spanish Steps without needing to stop for a breathe.
  • swim with dolphins
  • zip line in Hawaii
  • go kayaking around the Channel Islands and explore the aurrounding cave
  • do a mud run
  • participate in "BIKE THE BAY"
  • ride a wave on a surfboard
  • climb the pyramids at Chichen Itza
  • learn how to skateboard
  • ride the bike trail between Ventura and Ojai

Since I am a Disney fanatic I think it's only fitting that my first big physical goal be something Disney related. So as soon as this surgery is complete and I get to okay to start jogging, I'm going to start training for the half marathon. Hopefully I can get there in a year, but we'll just have to wait and see!

I'm BACK!!!

Sorry that it's been awhile since I've been on here...I've been getting the runaround from my case worker the last week and a half about my case being submitted to insurance. So as usually happens when insurance is involved I have constantly been playing phone tag between my surgical office and the insurance reps. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! I guess this is a good cautionary tale for all you out there: STAY ON YOUR CHECKLIST. As you check off each preliminary procedure off your "to-do" list, communicate with your surgical office to make sure the reports are being written up immediately.

I made the mistake of assuming all these things would be no-brainers and that it was understood that they would need to be completed right away...NOT THE CASE! Here I am, the week before we were planning on having my surgery, and I'm waiting for insurance to approve the surgery. All because a report for a procedure, done in May, was not completed until mid-July.

Be aware. Be cautious. Be your own advocate!

Friday, July 13, 2012

This Week in Review

  • Exercise: I did the hike that was just over 4 miles, which replaced 2 of my walks, but only did one other walk. So unfortunately I missed my goal by one day.
  • NO fast food!
  • NO bridal panic chocolate!
  • I did have a shirley temple last saturday...sorry, my friends! Don't worry though because my tummy didn't agree with my choice and I paid for it later.
  • I'm still in search of a protein drink/powder that I like. If anyone has any suggestions I would totally appreciate it.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Paradise Falls

As promised... I went on a hike with the hubby instead of 2 of my walks. Altogether we ended up walking about 4 miles, half of which was uphill. I swear I wanted to cry when we were about halfway up the the return trek. I really wanted to give up because I was using muscles I hadn't used in years. Instead, my amaze-balls husband kept talking to me and distracting me from the fact that my legs were about to give out. Thanks babe! Anyhoo... here are some pictures to chronicle our mini-adventure that was right in our backyard for years.

This is me toward the beginning of our hike...obviously(I'm still smiling)! We had already gone the first mile, but little did we know we were going to have to trek down the canyon to even get to the waterfall.

Those tiny little ants are actually people.

We got all the way to the bottom and had a nice picnic of Trader Joe's salads, water and a few slices of Manchengo cheese....

with a view like THIS! Meet PARADISE FALLS...which is a waterfall that never dries out in Thousand Oaks, CA. It was definitely worth the trek down the canyon.

I'd have to say that my biggest accomplishment was making the trek back up. It was pretty steep, the sun was hot as heck and I was incredibly tired already....but I made it!

Did I mention that it was our 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY?! Yup! We spent our day hiking and attractive! 4 years ago this day we realized we were meant to be more than just friends:

~ 6 1/2 years as friends...
~ 4 years as a couple...
~9 months into our HAPPILY EVER AFTER

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Goals for Week #2


   This week I'm going to go ahead and switch up the exercise a bit. I'm going to skip the walk around the track on Wednesday & Friday...instead we're going to do a 4-mile hike to a waterfall that's just the next down over. I promise that tomorrow I will post pictures from our adventure!


~ Continue drinking water as a snacking subsitute
~ No Bridal Panic Chocolate
~ Find a protein powder that I like and that meets the dietary requirements for post-op
~ No soda! I had half a can on the 4th of July and I want to go the entire week without a

Week #1 Update

Exercise Goal:

   I'm proud to say that I completed my weekly exercise goal! Yay! I went on my walk 4 times this week and even went on one walk by myself. To me that was the toughest challenge. Usually Ryan is my walking buddy so I have someone to keep me accountable and I have a commitment to walk with him. However, when it's just me...well that's when I really have to push myself. I would have to say that was my biggest accomplishment this week....

                         PUSHING MYSELF TO EXCERISE!!!!!!!!

I will admit that it was pretty embarassing to go to the track and have 50 year olds running right past me. That was probably the low point of my exercise!

Our Commitments:

~ We only went out to eat once last week.
~ I drank at least 1.5 liters of water a day
~I have gone 19 days without BRIDAL PANIC CHOCOLATE
~No Coldstone or ice cream. We bought some sugar-free fudgesicle instead!
~No unhealthy snacking at work

But not everything went well this week...

So funny story... I was so busy running errands one day that Ryan brought back a Wendy's cheeseburger, without a side order or soda. I ate it and immediately felt sick to my stomach. I had been doing such a good job at filling up with healthy foods that my body rejected something so greasy right away. After I took some Pepto I learned my lesson and didn't even bother with anything else that wasn't in my fridge.