Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Status Update

So right now I am hanging in INSURANCE LIMBO...just waiting for insurance to pull through and approve my surgery. I am not gonna lie, this has been the most stressful 2 weeks of this whole process. Let's take a quick look at my timeline so that you can see my frustration:

May 7th- Meet my Doctor
May 11th- Blood Work
May 14th- Sleep Study & Psycological Evaluation
May 23rd- Nutrition Consult #1
May 25th- Upper GI
June 18th- Nutrition Consult #2
July 16th- Nutrition Consult #3 (the final one)

As you can see everything happened rather quickly with a lot of communication between myself and my case worker. Her name is Luli and she was fantastic at keeping me organized and scheduling everything. She even got insurance to cut me a break on what my financial responsibility is. It's usually $700, but I only had to pay $450.


As soon as I completed my final nutrition consult, the communication abruptly ended. There was a whole week where I was trying to find out if my packet had been submitted to insurance and if there was anything else they needed on my end. I was extremely upset because I wanted everything to go smoothly and I wanted to get the surgery date before summer was over. That was extremely important to me because my mom would be available to help Ryan take care of me before the school year started. After a week I was able to finally speak to someone and found out that they had been waiting on one more report and that it could take up to 45 days for insurance to approve my surgery.

The 2 weeks after that has just been a waiting game and I've come to realize that the surgery probably will not happen until September. That's just something I'm going to have to accept. Luckily there has been much better communication and I'm glad I started being more proactive about getting status updates.

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