Wednesday, August 8, 2012


The last 2-3 weeks have been insane!

1. We had a couple people leave work so I had to pick up extra hours.
2. I had a lot of gardening to catch up on.
3. I've been on the phone with insurance and my case working quite often.
4. We completely cleaned out the garage.
5. Our washing machine broke twice so we needed to get it fixed twice (which as you know  means you sit around the whole day waiting for the repair man to arrive)

6. Then I had to catch up with all the laundry that piled up while the washing machine was broken...including my grandma's dirty clothes.

7. I also had to begin the process of registering for classes. Fun stuff!
8. I also started my own scrapbooking store on ETSY.COM so I've been doing a lot of prep for that....

   With all of this going on I unfortunately haven't gone on any walks for about 2 weeks. However, within the next couple of days I'll be posting a new workout schedule since my hours at work have changed.

Stay tuned!

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