Friday, February 7, 2014

Fashion Update

   I finally see a change! Just seeing the shrinking sizes didn't really mean anything to me. It wasn't until I had the balls to try on a pencil skirt that I SAW MY BODY and saw the change in shape. Trying on that pencil skirt really changed everything for me! I always saw outfits on Pinterest that I loved and I could never wear them because they all had pencil skirts. I just had too much tummy.

This is my pencil skirt! It's a size 20 and I am absolutely in love with it. I definitely feel a little sassy!

You might remember this picture from my last fashion blog. I bought this shirt for under $3 and loved the idea of belting it. So this is what it looked like 25 pounds ago....

And this is what it looks like now.

So this dress and I go way back. Everyone who knows me knows that I have a thing for black lace with a nude underlay. So when I spotted this dress at one of my favorite boutiques (4 months ago) I immediately fell in love! The down side? It was $80...and I'm cheap. Obviously I walked away from it, regretted it and went back a month after my surgery. To my surprise it was still there but I walked away from it again...and again 4 weeks ago. BUT this week they have a Flash Sale for 30% and I told myself, "Ashley, if that dress is still there it's YOURS and it was meant to be!" Well it was there and it's mine. It is still a couple sizes too small but I was able to at least try it on this time, Huge deal!!!

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