Wednesday, October 16, 2013

2 Weeks to go!

   So a lot has happened since I received my surgery date. I have been religiously reading through my binder and I have been hitting up the Internet to see what advice people are giving n preparing for their hospital stay. This is an average list about what they are recommending:

  1.    Chap stick- There is no drinking until about 24 hours after surgery. They have to do an Upper GI to make sure there aren't any leaks. So apparently you end up with really chapped lips. They also say to use one that isn't petroleum-based, preferably something by Burt's Bees. The petroleum-based ones are not safe to have around a hospital and oxygen tanks because they are combustible.
  2. Slippers- Apparently people are more comfortable walking in their own slippers than hospital socks.
  3. Brush and hair ties
  4. Toothpaste & Toothbrush


   At first I just wanted a regular digital scale with a simple read out. But then I started thinking about the scale they have at my doctor's office. It doesn't just tell you your weight but it gives you a complete readout of you BMI, percentage of body fat and can tell you how much fat and muscle is on each arm or leg. I thought about how convenient it was to see that after a week of working hard and only losing 2 pounds. On a regular scale I would see that and be discouraged, but knowing that my body muscle percentage increased and my body fat percentage decreased is awesome. Of course I could never afford the one at the office but I came pretty close!

   I eventually narrowed it down to 2 scale in particular. The Weight Watchers scale was tempting because it was $10 cheaper, but I just didn't want to support an organization I'm not working with, plus the other one gave me more options for readouts. There is even an "athlete" function in the event I ever turn into a gym rat. 


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