Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stress Test

   Well my stress test was completed on Friday, but there isn't a lot to report. When I arrived I undressed down to my yoga pants and sports bra, then the technician sent up my monitors. That took about 5 minutes and then I was ready to get on the bike and pedal my little heart out. Every 1-2 minutes she would increase the resistance and make sure I was okay to keep going. After about 15 minutes she had everything she needed and told me to stop.

   I'll admit that I was slightly confused because I was expecting to go for about 20-30 minutes. I asked her why it was so short and she replied, "because you results were easy to ready. There were no irregularities so I didn't have to have you keep going. When we ask them to stay on longer it's because we need as much documentation as we can get. You were easy." So basically I have surprised 3 people in the office with my level of health. I'm incredibly overweight but I'm still pretty healthy. 

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