Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Battling My Body

   So I am absolutely at war with my body! I have been really good at my portion controlling and I can feel my body trying to figure out what to do. It is literally yelling at me and I have no control over it. Tonight for dinner I made a hamburger patty on whole wheat bread and I was STARVING when I finished eating it. No... I'm not exaggerating or saying I'm hungry because I want more food. It was that burning sensation you get when you wake up after skipping dinner the night before. Or...like drinking alcohol on an empty stomach. 

   I literally didn't know what to do wi myself so I cried. I told my husband I was starving and cried like a baby. I guess my body needs time to adjust? All I know is that I had to fight for this victory. I gave myself a glass of milk and that was it. All I can do is stick with it until it gets easier!

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