Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Another we go again!

So I am beyond frustrated with Beverly Hills Physician right now. My case worker assured me that we would be able to get my surgery cleared before my insurance changed on October didn't happen. Luckily I still have a PPO with my new insurance provider and we were able to resubmit everything immediately. Now we just have to play the waiting game....AGAIN. I got very sick of  waiting around for them and decided that I'm going to try to see what I can do on my own. I essentially want to RACE THE SURGERY!

Exercise Plan: I am committing myself to walking (eventually conditioning myself to run) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.

Food Plan: I am going to be trying to minimize my carb portions and pre-planning my meals. This will help me portion control and hopefully help my hubby with his need to portion control too. Love you, babe!

*TRIUMPH*  I have officially gone down an entire pant size! YAY! I'm slowing getting there, but hopefully with this new plan I can get a lot more accomplished.

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