Sunday, September 2, 2012

Shopping for the "NEW ME"

   For the last couple of months my clothes have all started to feel much looser! In fact, ALL of my black work-pants are way too big for me. This made me realize that I needed to go through my closet to figure out what items are going to be easy for me to "shrink into"... something I've never had to deal with before. Never in my life have I ever GONE DOWN in sizes. So as I sifted through my closet I realized that there really isn't too much that will work for me... SHOPPING TRIP!!!

   As I roamed the aisles of Ross I realized that at some point after the surgery my mindset about shopping would change. My priority won't be "What will work with my body?" It will be "What do I like?" That made me wonder.... WHAT'S MY STYLE? I raided my favorite blog and found some fantastic ideas about what I'd like to wear post-surgery:

   I think that dresses are going to work for me really bell as I shrink. I figure I can always belt things as they get looser on me. All of these outfits outfits are right up my ally style-wize.

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