Thursday, May 16, 2013

Farmer's Market

   So in my attempt to make healthier choices I tried to plan a food-centered-event that didn't involve driving to LA to eat at a DDD location or hunting down food trucks. SOOOOOOO I went to the Farmer's Market with my hubby! It was awesome because it's located right by the harbor and it was on a Sunday, which is really the only day that I can get anything done. 

   In the end we bought so much stuff: 3 baskets of strawberries, Fuji apples, haas avocados, lettuce, carrots, zucchini, almonds, and lunch! There was a lot of great option but we settled on a taco booth that had fresh shrimp tacos and carne asada. It was so refreshing because there wasn't anything too heavy. I'll go back this Sunday!

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