Thursday, May 16, 2013

Farmer's Market

   So in my attempt to make healthier choices I tried to plan a food-centered-event that didn't involve driving to LA to eat at a DDD location or hunting down food trucks. SOOOOOOO I went to the Farmer's Market with my hubby! It was awesome because it's located right by the harbor and it was on a Sunday, which is really the only day that I can get anything done. 

   In the end we bought so much stuff: 3 baskets of strawberries, Fuji apples, haas avocados, lettuce, carrots, zucchini, almonds, and lunch! There was a lot of great option but we settled on a taco booth that had fresh shrimp tacos and carne asada. It was so refreshing because there wasn't anything too heavy. I'll go back this Sunday!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Nutrition Consult #3

   I had my third nutrition consultation yesterday and I'm not going to lie, I was a little discouraged by my weigh in. I actually gained a lot of muscle and my percentage on lean body muscle went up. Yay! However I would have liked to see my overall number go down instead of up. I guess I have to just remind myself that muscle weighs more than fat.

    Other than that I'm on track with some improvements I've made to everyday life, especially when it comes to transitioning into healthier foods. I've had some difficulty with committing to a set schedule at the gym so now my nutritionist had made me think about it in terms of calories. The average person should be burning 2,000 calories a week so that's what we are making the goal. Instead of beating myself up for only going to the gym 3-4 days a week, I can use my days off from work wisely and spend a little more time at the gym if I'm unable to make it back the other days. 

I hope this will allow me to not be so disappointed in myself.