Saturday, March 16, 2013

Meeting My Nutritionist

   I have officially completed my very first consult with my Nutritionist! The night before I was supposed to go in, Ryan and I decided to have a "LAST SUPPER" of sorts. I was 100% sure that in the morning I would be handed an entire list of things that I can't eat anymore so we ate what we wanted that night: a Topper's Pizza with a Pizza Cookie!

   However, when I got there it was far from what I expected. She had me step on this really crazy scale that measures my body weight, mass and BMI. Then we went to her office and she basically told me that the best way for her to help me is to see what my habits are like, so now I have a handy dandy little journal that helps me chart everything out. I'm noticing some really bad habits already that I would like to figure out some solutions for before I go in again. For example, I'm really great at eating a well-balanced breakfast but I suck at feeding myself just as well the rest of the day.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens, RIGHT?!

   To make a long story short, I ended up driving to Beverly Hills to see Dr. Feiz and everything fell through. He offered me a $4,000 discount, but I was still going to have to get financed for $20,000 and I cannot justify that with out giving my own insurance the chance to work out. So as soon as I went home I went back to my insurance's website and was still unable to find any bariatric surgeons within a 100 mile radius of my location. I knew there had to be something I was overlooking so I called them directly. The person who helped me gave a great contact.... Dr. Helmuth Billy!

   Dr. Billy was the first doctor I looked into over a year ago, but at the time he didn't accept the type of insurance that I had. However, he accepts my new insurance! I immediately signed up for an orientation so that I could get my insurance varified and Ryan and I went into the orientation Tuesday night (5 days ago). He is amazing and his employees have been amazing! Their professionalism and promptness are blowing Beverly Hills Physicians out of the water. There really is no comparison.

   In the last 2 days we have gotten a lot accomplished:

*We set up my first Nutritional Consult, which will take place this Friday. My new insurance (Blue Shield of California) requires a 6 month work up with a Nutitionist, but at least this time I will actually be able to MEET someone in person. I'm really excited to be able to have my own Nutritionist.

*We set up my first consultation, where I am going to do my first initial weigh-in, do before and after photos, and discuss the surgery I have selected.

* We completed my entire medical history.

* We started my online profile that will help keep me organized.

*We got all of my files and paperwork from Beverly Hills Physicians.

I will definitely be posting again by tomorrow with a special "INCENTIVE PROGRAM" that my hubby and I have instituted for weightloss.