Thursday, August 28, 2014

LIFE CHAOS & New Goals!

I'm sorry! I have had the craziest life since February and that is why I haven't been able to focus on the blog nearly as much as I should be. However I have a lot to catch up on and some exciting this that have happened so I will just start with an update:

March: My Father-in-Law had a Triple Bypass and we spent several weeks shuffling between the hospital and my in-laws' house to check up on him. Since he wasn't able to drive and no one else in their house can drive we tried to take them for errands and shopping as frequently as we possible could. Also, while he was in the hospital, we found a house! That will be an entirely separate blog entry in itself because it was the ultimate test in dealing with stress and self-control with food. I learned a lot during that time!

April/May: Drama with our house!  Again, that will be an entire entry on its own that will be coming up relatively soon. I spent these months constantly dealing with lenders, agents and banks and not really getting any time to myself. My body suffered a lot because of that and I had to really buckle down with my eating habits.

June: We finally wrapped up escrow on our house and spent 2 weeks moving in and getting settled. We had to go in with nail guns shootin' because we had 2 weeks before our vacation to Europe!

July: For 2 entire weeks we were in EUROPE! Best trip that I've ever taken and I can't wait to share an entire entry about this trip too. I actually might split that up into a few because I am really proud of how I handled my first vacation with my sleeve and what I accomplished during that trip from a health standpoint.

August: A lot of change at work, Bridal Market and still working on the house!

That's right people! I'm down another 36 pounds since the last time I posted a weigh in!

STARTING WEIGHT: 303lb. 0 oz.
WEIGHT TODAY: 218 lb. 4 oz.
TOTAL WEIGHT LOST: 84 lb. 12 oz.

So my original goal for my 1 year surgiversary was 75 lbs! My doctor thought that's what I would expect to lose. Obviously I'm almost 10 pounds ahead of that and need to establish a new goal. I decided to go for 100 POUNDS! I have a little over 2 months to go and I am currently 15 lbs. 4 oz. away from achieving it. That means that I have to lose just under 8 pounds a month. I hope I can make it!!!