Thursday, January 17, 2013

Changing "The Plan"

   I know that it has been FOREVER since I have posted and there is a lot that's been going on. Since the last time I updated this, Beverly Hills Physicians has completely dropped the ball on my surgery. They knew I was on an insurance time crunch and were unable to get everything settled in time. Then on October 1st my insurance switched providers and we started from scratch again. Luckily I didn't have to redo any of my preliminary procedures again, but there has been a total lack of follow-through. I have been testing them to see how frequently they will update me and I haven't heard from them since the middle of October. THAT'S 3 MONTHS! The surgery should have been approved by now and I haven't heard from them at all.

   So essentially I decided a few weeks ago that I can't just sit here anymore waiting for my surgery. I just want to be healthy and get in shape for the cruise we're taking in July! So I'm going to continue this blog under the new title: SHRINKING WITHOUT THE SLEEVE!!!!
